Why  do we need ESG legislation?

The reason ESG issues became highly important legislative subject is that in pursuit of corporate profit, the Corporation stands alone as some abstract figure and not as it should be: a group of individuals personally responsible for their actions. Corporation as an abstract figure has no moral standards, personal integrity, social awareness, responsibility or awareness of disturbing consequences of their actions. But, what they neglect to take into consideration is negative image that grows with the number of individuals aware of the global negative consequences of such decisions. While half of the planet struggles to live decent lives and have enough food on the table, we as individuals are not strong enough to achieve relevant positive change on a global scale. And, thank you Law and Legislation for making that change for our better future. You can do much more with right individuals by your side, protect our planet, save our future. Bring back human, not Corporate decision making.

Jelena Gligorijevic, author